PLA hosted by Slovenia

Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, SIAE

»We could have predicted many things in advance, but otherwise we relied on the fact that some things simply cannot be controlled, but must be trusted – in the technique, the man who took care of its operation, and in the fact proper to the present time: we are all in the same, unknown circumstances where the value is not perfection, but flexibility, mutual support and understanding – even if there is a stalemate.«


Ten EAAL videos

Darijan Novak, SIAE

»We see the videos as an additional and perhaps also more appropriate medium for awareness-raising of the stakeholders participating in adult education in Slovenia and Europe. The videos, which are published under the Materials tab on the English page of the EAAL portal, document our efforts which is why they also represent our report on the implementation of the EAAL project and the Upskilling Pathways recommendation in Slovenia.«


New developments in European education policy 

Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, SIAE

»Considering how much the role of adult education is favoured at present, all that remains for us is to help ensure the same attitude at the national level and to implement the above Actions in a coordinated and collaborative spirit.«

For the continuation and the development of EAAL project Uwe Gartenschlaeger, president of the EAEA

»I see the European Agenda for Adult Learning – EAAL as the symbol of adult education as it is the only document on the European level that views and treats this field holistically.«

The EAAL 2017-2019 Project yielded enormous results 

Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, SIAE

»In the 2017–2019 project phase, we conducted a number of events, produced many video publications and recorded statements by important stakeholders, set up the Upskilling Pathways e-portal, disseminated our activities and products through various media and summarised them in the overhauled online EAAL e-bulletin.«

A new phase of the EAAL project 

Dana Carmen Bachmann, European Commission

​»Competences are essential for a better future. Education and training are essential for competences.«

Published by: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, Šmartinska 134a, 1000 Ljubljana | Editor: Ana Peklenik (T: 01 5842 547, E: | Editor-in-chief: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (T: 01 5842 567, E: | Proof reading: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, and Mateja Pečar  | Design: David Fartek | Technical realisation: Franci Lajovic | ISSN: 2536-3697

The e-bulletin ‘Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) in Slovenia’ is one of the EAAL project outcomes. It has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The publication is available at: