EPALE Regional Conference and EAAL 2019 Conference
24 and 25 September 2019, Congress Centre Thermana Laško
Welcome addresses
Dr Alenka Flander, CMEPIUS
Andrej Sotošek, MSc, SIAE
Implementing Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways and taking adult learning forward
- Martina Ní Cheallaigh, European Commission
On EPALE: roundtable on examples of good practice from partner countries
- moderator: Ana Stanovnik Perčič, CMEPIUS,
participants: - Siniša Gatarić, National Support Service (NSS) EPALE Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Ognjen Piljek Žiljak, NSS EPALE Croatia,
- Ivana Vučinić, NSS EPALE Montenegro,
- Uroš Veličković, NSS EPALE Serbia,
- Andreja Lenc, MSc, NSS EPALE Slovenia
Upskilling Pathways – new opportunities for adults and the implementation of the European Agenda on Adult Learning in Slovenia 2017–2019:
- Katja Dovžak, MSc, MESS
Upskilling Pathways – new opportunities for adults and the implementation of the European Agenda on Adult Learning in Slovenia 2017–2019:
- Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, SIAE
Implementation of Upskilling Pathways in the region:
- Bojan Hajdinjak, MSc, Public Institute Cene Štupar – Centre for Education Ljubljana
BiH, Una-Sana Canton
- Azra Šulić, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Una-Sana Canton Government
BiH, Republika Srpska
- Aleksandar Petić, Republika Srpska Institute of Adult Education
- Gordana Bošković, Centre for Vocational Education and Training of Montenegro
- Luka Novosel, Ministry of Labour and Pension System
- Marica Vukomanović, EPALE NSS Serbia
Adult education governance – recommendations (OECD Skills Strategy):
- Ema Perme, MESS
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Editor: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, computer realisation: Franci Lajovic