EPALE Regional Conference and EAAL 2019 Conference
24 and 25 September 2019, Congress Centre Thermana Laško
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education, VET Department Banja Luka is an independent administrative organization in the field of pre-primary, primary and secondary education, established at the level of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Agency is responsible for setting up learning standards, evaluating learning achievements, developing common core curricula in pre-primary, primary and secondary education and further competent work concerning learning standards and evaluation of education quality as defined by special laws and other regulations.
The scope of work of VET department includes the tasks related to: management, programming, planning, monitoring and coordinating the work of the VET department, developing and monitoring the common core curricula and modular curricula in secondary vocational education, implementing the qualification framework, developing occupational standards and qualification standards, developing adult education and lifelong learning, developing and implementing the information system in VET, cooperating with local educational and other authorities in the field of education, planning and implementing research programs and projects.
The VET department is in charge of implementing and coordinating both projects Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) and The Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) that are part of the Erasmus+ program carried out by the Executive Agency for Education, Audio-visuals and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Website: https://aposo.gov.ba/en
Contact person: Siniša Gatarić (sinisa.gataric@aposo.gov.ba)
Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education is a public institution established in 2010 by merging two agencies that existed since 2006 (Agency for VET) and 2007 (Agency for Adult Education), and it is the key stakeholder in VET and adult education in Croatia.
The Agency’s main activities are: reform and development of a modern VET and adult education system in Croatia, implementation of ESF projects: Promotion of lifelong learning and Modernisation of VET teachers’ professional development system, organisation of the Lifelong Learning Week in all Croatian counties since 2008, expert monitoring of adult education providers, professional training of VET and adult education teachers and trainers, etc.
The Agency is very active in the field of international cooperation (ETF, Cedefop, UNESCO-UNEVOC, WorldSkills Europe, etc.) and projects (EU and other donors funded). Its representatives are involved in various EU networks, i.e. EQAVET, ECVET, and represent Croatia in ACVT and DG VET.
Website: https://www.asoo.hr/default.aspx?id=93
Contact person: Martina Pervan (martina.pervan@asoo.hr)
The Centre for Vocational Education and Training (VET Centre) is a developmental, advisory and research institution founded in 2003 by social partners (Government of Montenegro, represented by the Ministry of Education and Science, Employment Agency of Montenegro, Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and Association of Trade Unions of Montenegro) within the process of education system decentralization and development of vocational and adult education.
VET Centre develops and implements reform processes of vocational and adult education, by complying with strategic commitments of the Government, laws, bylaws and international standards, thus contributing to the creation of coherent and remarkable education system.
VET Centre provides full technical and professional support to schools and adult education providers in the implementation of curricula and training programmes, professional development of management and teachers, establishing contacts with commercial entities, for the sake of more efficient and better education of students and learners.
VET Centre develops high quality partner cooperation with international institutions and associations for the sake of exchange of experience and examples of good practice, as well as the improvement of vocational and adult education system. VET Centre continuously works on the promotion of vocational and adult education, and life-long learning concept for the sake of motivating youth and adults to get involved into the system of vocational and adult education.
Website: http://www.cso.gov.me/en
Contact person: Gordana Bošković (gordana.boskovic@cso.gov.me)
Embracing the concept of the “knowledge society“, as well as creating the preconditions for equal access to education for all Montenegrin citizens, are the main challenges of vocational and adult education. The main area of the VET Centre’s work is the development and strengthening of vocational and adult education system, emphasizing the adjustment of these educational systems to social changes, market economy, technological progress and information technologies. The VET Centre is one of the key implementers of vocational education reform in Montenegro, as well as the institution which created the adult education system, raising it to a significant level of social recognition. In January 2013, in compliance with new regulations, the VET was re-founded by the Ministry of Education as its only founder.
Since it was established, the VET Centre has been investing in its employees in order to ensure high professionalism of the staff, openness to changes and innovations, as well as readiness for continuous professional improvement. So far, it has brought good results, contributing to the development of this institution and to the recognition of its significance in the country, region and beyond.
There are three Departments operating within the VET Centre, which are supported by the Department for General, Legal and Accounting Affairs.
Department for Occupational Standards and Curricula intensively reforms curricula in accordance with new methodological documents, trying to achieve alignment with labour market needs, on the basis of occupational standards.
Adult Education Department is the only professional service in Montenegro dealing with developmental, advisory and research affairs in the field of adult education. Since the VET Centre’s foundation, the Department has been actively developing training programmes for occupations, changing qualification, developing additional qualifications, engaging in professional improvement and development of key competences.
Evaluation Department (Quality Assurance Department) conducts quality assessment, at least once in every four years, in institutions in which VET curricula are implemented. It is in charge of planning and training in the field of preparation and implementation of internal evaluation in vocational and adult education institutions.
The Foundation Tempus was founded in 2002 to enable the Republic of Serbia’s participation in the Tempus Programme, aimed at supporting the improvement of higher education. Since then, the Foundation Tempus has gradually become responsible for other EU programmes, such as Erasmus Mundus and the Lifelong Learning Programme.
In 2019, Republic of Serbia became fully-fledged Erasmus+ Programme Country, and Foundation Tempus is the National Erasmus+ agency. The Foundation primarily cooperates with educational and youth institutions and provides support to all organisations in applying for project funding. In addition, the Foundation provides support to individuals through a number of activities.
In 2017, the Republic of Serbia has become a part of the EPALE network. The National Support Service operates within the Foundation Tempus, which is responsible for the implementation of the network’s activities in Serbia. The NSS is implementing a number of activities aimed at providing support to the adult education sector: webinars, conferences, competitions with calls for texts on specific subjects, trainings, workshops and other support activities.
Website: https://tempus.ac.rs/foundation-tempus
Contact person: Marica Vukomanović (marica.vukomanovic@tempus.ac.rs)
Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS) is the public institution carrying out tasks of the Erasmus+ Programme National Agency in the field of education, training, and sport. Through collecting non-formally and formally acquired knowledge and experience, the Centre represents a relevant institution in the European educational area. Above all, it offers opportunities for Slovenian organisations to get better incorporated in the wider European society. Since 2014, CMEPIUS acts also as the National Support Service (NSS) for the EPALE platform. In addition we take care of the implementation of other programmes, various initiatives, scholarship mechanisms and high-quality implementation of support activities as well as the promotion of results and impacts.
Website: https://eng.cmepius.si
Contact: Maruša Bajt (marusa.bajt@cmepius.si)
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) is the central public institute for research and development, quality and training, guidance and validation as well as promotion and information services in the field of adult education in Slovenia. We prepare professional grounds, provide evaluations and monitor the development of adult education, we develop various formal and non-formal adult learning paths to increase adult literacy and dedicate special efforts to improve the accessibility of learning for educationally disadvantaged adults. In doing so, we develop the foundations to support learning, models of self-evaluation, guidance and validation of prior knowledge and professionalization of adult education staff. Through informing the professional and wider audience about these processes and their achievements, we contribute to the broader awareness of the accessibility and importance of lifelong and adult learning.
We cooperate in numerous European and other international projects. In addition, we have taken over the role of national coordinator for the implementation of EAAL. We are active member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE).
Website: https://www.acs.si/en
Contact: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik (zvonka.pangerc@acs.si)
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Editor: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, computer realisation: Franci Lajovic