European area
EU support to Member States in the process of UP implementation
Based on information provided by the Member States, the Commission published in February 2019 a report. taking stock of their implementation plans and progress in Member States.
The Council renewed its commitment to support adults struggling with basic skills in the Council Conclusions adopted on 5 June 2019.
The EU supports the UP implementation through funding, mutual learning, generating evidence and building synergies with other existing initiatives.
Mutual learning: The Mutual learning workshops are capacity-building events funded by the EaSI programme to support Member States in the implementation of the Upskilling pathways recommendation by building up national networks:
- 2017/2018 edition with the participation of Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain.
- 2018/2019 edition with the participation of Belgium (French-speaking community and Flanders), the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Slovakia.
Each delegation was led by representatives of Education and/or Employment ministries and composed of other key stakeholders such as adult learning providers, public employment services, social partners and the European Social Fund’s managing authorities and supported by an independent country expert.
Implementation of Upskilling Pathways – EaSI calls: The European Commission has also launched dedicated calls for proposals under the EaSI programme. Awarded projects can be found on the Awarded grants section of the website.
Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP): Member States can also submit projects for structural reforms, in line with Upskilling pathways implementation, through the Structural Reform Support Programme, managed by the Secretariat General of the European Commission.
In addition, the EU supports those implementing the UP through:
- European Social Fund (ESF)
- Erasmus+
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)
- European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)
- European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
Notably, the Erasmus+ programme finances the activities of the national coordinators for the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) with a strong focus on coordination of adult learning measures, outreach, guidance and awareness raising.
Beyond the €27 billion ESF funding to be invested in education, training, skills and life-long learning, from 2014 to 2020, a further € 21.2 billion are available for social inclusion and €30.8 billion for sustainable and quality employment.
Member States planned to reach out to around 8 million low qualified individuals through education and training funding under the ESF.
The Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe – EPALE is a multilingual open membership community for adult learning professionals in Europe. As well as a wealth of information about good practices, EPALE hosts communities of practice – online groups where people with similar interests from the adult learning sector can get together to make a difference by building a common space for exchanging information, opinions, and good practices. Through EPALE, the implementation of the UP Recommendation can be reinforced, examples and experiences shared.

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Editor: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, design: David Fartek, computer solution: Franci Lajovic