On the portal
The Upskilling Pathways (UP) e-portal is a tool set up within the national coordination of the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Slovenia (EAAL project) in the period 2017–2023.
The aims of the UP e-portal are:
- To raise the profile of the Council Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways (UP) – New opportunities for adults.
- To raise awareness of stakeholders on the link between existing national endeavours and the UP implementation in Slovenia.
- To inform about measures, their realisation as well as their results and wider impacts.
- To serve as a tool for policy coordination thus stimulating inter-sectoral policies implemented in line with UP recommendations.
- To inform and motivate the widest public, especially through examples of good practice, to use UP opportunities.
In 2023 we added a new subsite in order to mark the European Year of Skills (EYS).
Added value of the e-portal:
- Information on existing adult education policies and processes at European and national level.
- Overview of existing policy measures for low-skilled adults with regard to UP recommendations.
- Dissemination of examples of good practice resulting from the above policy measures with the aim to create a stock of qualitative and quantitative outcomes and impacts.
- Information on what is on offer as regards guidance, provision and other support measures.
- Grounds for the UP reporting process in 2021 (on measures and their impacts on stakeholders).
The e-portal can be of benefit to policy-makers, adult education professionals and practitioners, employers, social partners, local communities as well as to the widest public) with special emphasis to the low-skilled and low qualified. Given the digital gap, for the latter the assistance of guidance workers would be needed.

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Editor: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, design: David Fartek, computer solution: Franci Lajovic