Policy evaluation
The 2018 stocktaking report drew on the information provided by the Member States on the measures that they had outlined for the implementation of the UP Recommendation. These measures are often part of existing lifelong learning, employment or national skills strategies (which is the case of Slovenia) or they have been built on existing legislation/policy on adult education. They can also be part of wider new upskilling initiatives or have been installed as dedicated pilot projects.
This information was supplemented with relevant data from the National Reform Programmes, European and international statistical data (Adult Education Survey, Continuing Vocational Training Survey, Labour Force Survey, OECD PIAAC data and subsequent analyses, CEDEFOP studies, etc.). The aim of this report was to provide a mapping of what actions are set in motion, or reinforced, at Member State level.
The evaluation of the impact on the target group will take place within five years from the date of adoption of the Recommendation, i.e. by the end of 2021.
The Recommendation includes also a commitment for Member States to evaluate all implementing measures and their impact on the progress of the target group towards the acquisition of literacy, numeracy and digital competences and/or towards a qualification at EQF level 3 or 4 depending on national circumstances. However, with few exceptions, evaluation by Member States is only mentioned in terms of the evaluation of EU-funded or individual national projects that are being undertaken, and no overarching approach to such evaluation seems to be pursued for the moment.
Building up evidence on the benefits of investing in adult learning, efficiency of various policy measures, skills levels of adult population are targets of EU support. Thus the Commission, through the Erasmus + programme, is helping EU Member States take part in the second cycle of the OECD PIAAC survey and is working closely with OECD on the further analysis of the PIAAC data. The Adult Education Survey and the Continuing Vocational Training Survey, managed by Eurostat provide further valuable comparative data in this field.
Adult skills are increasingly gaining in importance also in the context of the European Semester, and given a stronger focus in the National Reform Programmes. The benchmarking on adult skills and adult learning agreed upon by the Employment Committee (EMCO) will strengthen the cross-country monitoring within the European Semester, by providing an analytical underpinning in this particular policy area.

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Editor: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, design: David Fartek, computer solution: Franci Lajovic