Events 2015
The aim of the professional EAAL events, i.e. the so called Promoting Adult Skills (PAS) events is to show existing endeavours at the local level with regard to promoting adult skills, to present achievements and define opportunities and challenges in this field. Through these activities we have identified examples of good practice and at the local and national level, disseminated information on these opportunities. We have gathered opinions of various stakeholders on the further development of adult basic skills and other key competences and on the implementation of successful practice following the publication of official results of the PIAAC survey in Slovenia (in July 2016). PAS events have been organized by Learning Parade 2013, 2014 and 2015 coordinators.
PAS events’ organisers presented findings and recommendations at the 19th Adult Education Colloquium .
Legend: AEC – Adult Education Centre; PP – Power Point presentation
Venue and date | Coordinator | Title (with link to programme) | Outcomes |
Celje, 20 April |
Celje School Centre | Funkcionalna pismenost mlajših odraslih (Functional literacy of yound adults) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Slovenska Bistrica, 21 April |
Slovenska Bistrica AEC | Beseda ni konj, lahko nas pa daleč ponese A few good words can take you a long way) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Kranj, 6 May |
Kranj AEC | Znanja za vsa obdobja življenja (Knowledge for all stages of life) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Novo mesto, 7 May |
RIC Novo mesto AEC | Mladi med šolo in zaposlitvijo (Young people between school and employment) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Trbovlje, 7 May |
Zasavje AEC Trbovlje | Razvitost kompetence branja, pisanja in računanja pri odraslih (The level of development in terms of reading, writing and numeracy skills in adults) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Ajdovščina, 12 May |
Ajdovščina AEC | Kompetence in znanja mladih (Competencies and knowledge of young people) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Maribor, 12 May |
AZ Maribor AEC | Pritegnem, ko napišem (“I capture attention with my writing„) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Ptuj, 21 May |
Ptuj AEC | Vinko Moderndorfer, Brskanje (Vinko Möderndorfer – Searching through) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Žalec, 21 May |
UPI-AEC Žalec | Sobivanje narodov: besedni izraz ali uresničevanje v praksi? (Coexistence of nations: a phrase or implementation in practice?) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Radeče, 22 May |
KTRC Radeče | Vseživljenjsko učenje za sožitje človeka in narave (Man and Earth – celebrating World Soil Day) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Slovenj Gradec, 22 May |
MOCIS Slovenj Gradec | Skupaj za izboljšanje temeljnih zmožnosti odraslih v Koroški regiji (Together on the path towards improving the basic skills of adults in the Koroška region) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Postojna, 26 May |
Zavod Znanje, Postojna AEC |
Vseživljenjsko učenje – možnosti in priložnosti za priseljence (Lifelong learning – options and opportunities for immigrants) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Ljubljana, 28 May |
City Library Ljubljana | Razvoj zmožnosti, potrebnih za delo (The development of skills required for work) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Škofja Loka, 28 May |
Škofja Loka AEC | Usposabljanje oseb z motnjami v duševnem razvoju za delo na področju strežbe in na kmetiji (From coexistence to employment) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Črnomelj, 29, May |
ZIK Črnomelj AEC | Na poti do samozaposlitve
(On the road to self-employment) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Murska Sobota, 29 May |
Murska Sobota AEC | Ključne kompetence 21. stoletja v pokrajini ob Muri (Key competencies in the 21st century in the land by the Mura River) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Jesenice, 3 June |
OO za TVU, Jesenice AEC |
Podpora priseljencem in migrantom pri vključevanju v novo okolje (Supporting immigrants and migrants in their integration into a new environment) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Koper, 9 June |
Koper AEC | HERB – Priložnosti rastejo (HERB – Opportunities grow) |
PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Nova Gorica, 15 June |
Nova Gorica AEC | Izkoristimo brezposelnost za rast | PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Krško, 18 June |
Krško AEC | Nove priložnosti – temeljne zmožnosti Romov | PP (EN) Report (SI) |
Velenje, 19 June |
AZ Velenje AEC | Izzivi povečanega števila priseljencev v Šaleški in Zgornje Savinjski dolini | PP (EN) Report (SI) |

With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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