In Slovenia:
- Coordinator at national level: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE)
- National Coordinating Board: In order to ensure a coordinated and effective implementation of the EAAL and the Slovenian activity plan itself, the National Coordinating Board (NCB) was established. In fact, the existing high-level Coordinating Board for Adult Education (CBAE), since 2015 run by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MESS), has been used for this function (in addition to its primary mandate and on the request by the MESS representative in the LLW Committee). The first contact with members of the NCB was established on 2 June 2016 (invitation). The 2015–2017 EAAL activity plan was introduced and 2016 achievements as well as challenges were presented. Participants expressed their interest and willingness to take over the role of NCB for EAAL. The second meeting took place on 5 October 2017 (invitation). It was an opportunity to present 2017 project activities and overall results. In addition, the content of the next, 2017–2019 phase of the implementation of EAAL in Slovenia was introduced. Throughout the reporting period, direct contacts were in place with most of the 24 members of the NCB, and whenever applicable, they were invited to take active part in EAAL events and activities. In addition, since not all parties envisaged to play a role in the initially foreseen NCB are members of the CBAE, such as the Public Employment Service, the EPALE NSS, adult education providers and others, these were contacted on an individual basis, mainly via joint activities or via our dissemination efforts.
In Europe:
- Coordinator at EU level: European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Directorate B: Education and Vocational Training, Unit B.2 Vocational Training and Adult Education; Erasmus+
- The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
- EU Network of national coordinators
- Other relevant European associations, e.g. EAEA, NGOs…
Other partners:
- Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
- Other ministries
- CMEPIUS – Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes
- Networks of adult education providers (adult education centres, secondary schools and school centres, private providers etc.)
- Regional and thematic LLW coordinators
- Partners at the local level – municipalities, other institutions, societies, NGOs…
- Learners
- Media representatives at local and national level
- Other
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
and the support of:
