Another set of activities – mostly the result of study work and exchange of opinions among members of the SIAE staff – lead to the formulation of the Adult Learning Awareness Raising Strategy as well as six thematic action plans contributing to a widened and strengthened approach to awareness raising on adult and lifelong learning. Identity cards of several campaigns/projects related to seven public sectors (education, employment and social affairs, culture, sustainable development, health, internal affairs, public administration, and agriculture, forestry and food) were produced with emphasis on successful promotional approaches and taking into account the existing and/or potential links with adult education and learning. This – along with an overview of development strategies in the before mentioned public sectors – provided grounds for the first two actions plans on increased cooperation of various sectors in the awareness raising process. The other four action plans are outlining (1) effective outreach activities and (2) an increased role of adult educators in the adult learning awareness process, (3) effective media and visual promotion, and (4) an increased role of learners in awareness raising processes.
Outputs of this set of activities are in Slovenian language since they are mainly intended for further work of the SIAE staff as well as the network of co-ordinators of the Lifelong Learning Week (LLW), i.e. the major Slovenian promotional campaign. To some extent, they have already been presented to this network and implemented in the 2016 and 2017 editions of LLW. The results of this work will also feed into the work of the newly established working group on the strategic development of LLW.
- Adult Learning Awareness Raising Strategy (ALARS)
- Identity cards of campaigns/projects analysed in 2016
- 2016 Action plan on increased involvement of various sectors in the awareness raising process
- Action plan on effective outreach to vulnerable and educationally deprived target groups
- Action plan on the role of adult educators and other AE professionals in the adult learning awareness process
- Overview of development strategies in Slovenian public sectors
- 2017 Action plan on increased involvement of various sectors in the awareness raising process
- Action plan on effective media and visual promotion of adult learning based on modern ICT channels
- Action plan on the role of learners, i.e. learning ambassadors in adult learning awareness raising
- Identity cards of campaigns/projects analysed in 2017
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
and the support of:
