Green transformation of society​
Adult Education Colloquium 2021 and
the third EAAL Forum on the Future of ALE

12 October 2021, online event (Zoom)

Sustainable development needs (adult) learning and education! This was the premise of this year’s 25th Adult Education Colloquium and third Forum on the Future of adult learning, that took place as a part of Lifelong Learning Weeks (LLW) 2021.

The green transformation of society requires broad awareness, new knowledge and skills and a different way of thinking and acting. Sustainable, global learning must be comprehensive in all respects – it must include and connect young people and adults, as well as natural and social sciences and topics. We need transformative education because, in addition to personal and community transformation, progress is also required in the field of work.

In this process, (adult) education should be an equal, indispensable stakeholder and co-create intersectoral climate change policies at the national and European levels. Moreover, the three pillars of sustainability – economic (profit-oriented), social (human-oriented) and environmental (emphasis on the biological basis of life) – are inextricably linked, so their understanding must be harmonised based on an equal dialogue between all of us and the roles we have in academic, political or civil society activities!


Programme (pdf, 1 str., 250 KB)

We believe that sufficient funding and effective coordination of measures and instruments at global, European and national levels must be ensured. It is also necessary to promote programmes for acquiring ‘green’ behaviour and life skills – in all its aspects (problem-solving, creative and critical thinking, socio-emotional skills, etc.). Sustainability principles apply to all levels and areas of education and learning. Non-formal adult learning plays a significant role in this.

We discussed these topics at the event that was organised by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) and SLOGA, an NGO platform for development, global education and humanitarian aid. The event was held online (Zoom) on 12 October 2021.

Full video of the event


Introductory greeting (Dr Nataša Potočnik, Albin Keuc)

Introductory speech (Rilli Lappalainen)

Round table: Active response to environmental challenges – consistent and supported by learning

Introductory lecture (Chris Millora)

An example of good practice in Slovenia (Nataša Jazbinšek Seršen)

An example of good practice at the international level (Mateja Skrt)

Concluding remarks (Boštjan Videmšek)

Graphic harvest

(Lara Kastelic)




moderator: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc, SIAE


Introductory greeting:
Dr Nataša Potočnik, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE)
Albin Keuc, SLOGA Platform

Introductory speech:
Rilli Lappalainen,
President of the European Confederation of Relief and Development NGOs (CONCORD) and founder and chair of the Bridge 47 network

Round table: Active response to environmental challenges – consistent and supported by learning
moderator: Dr Nevenka Bogataj, SIAE participants:

  • Dr Janez Berdavs, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
  • Nataša Bucik, MSc, Ministry of Culture
  • Aleš Ojsteršek, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

and video statements from adult educational practice for sustainable development: Eva Mermolja, Ajdovščina Adult Education Centre (AEC); Tina Bazjako, Postojna Zavod Znanje – AEC unit; Patricija Rejec, Soča Valley Development Centre – AEC unit




2. part: PLAN B?!


moderator: Patricija Virtič, SLOGA platform


Introductory lecture:
Chris Millora, researcher and consultant in the Bridge 47 project

An example of good practice in Slovenia:
Nataša Jazbinšek Seršen, head of the Department for Environmental Protection, Municipality of Ljubljana

An example of good practice at the international level: Climate of Change
Mateja Skrt, SLOGA Platform

Concluding remarks:
Boštjan Videmšek, journalist, author of the book Plan B and European Climate Pact Ambassador


Key sources (in Slovenian, some in English)


Climate of Change event in Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Contemporary circus​


Accompanying programme​


More information:

Projekt EPUO (Uresničevanje Evropskega programa za učenje odraslih v Sloveniji, katerega nacionalni koordinator je Andragoški center Slovenije, sofinancirata program Evropske unije Erasmus+ in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport.

Projekt Bridge 47 sooblikuje in izvaja 15 evropskih in globalnih organizacij civilne družbe. Namen projekta je mobilizacija civilne družbe, da s pomočjo globalnega učenja prispeva k pravičnosti in izkoreninjenju revščine po svetu. Financirajo ga Evropska unija, finsko Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije


Projekt Climate of Change (Vseevropska kampanja za boljšo prihodnost podnebnih migrantov), v katerem kot partnerska organizacija sodeluje Platforma SLOGA, v Sloveniji sofinancirata Program Izobraževanja in ozaveščanja o razvoju Evropske unije in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.