Events 2017
The aim of the professional EAAL events, i.e. the so called Promoting Adult Skills – Second round (PASS) events, is to show existing endeavours at the local level with regard to promoting adult skills and other competences, present achievements and define opportunities and challenges in this field. Through these activities we have identified examples of good practice and at the local and national level, disseminated information on these opportunities. We have gathered opinions of various stakeholders on the further development and implementation of successful practice regarding adult basic skills and other key competences. In the current EAAL project, events are grouped into PASS events (2016 and 2017), ‘Key comptenecs for improved employability’ (2016) and ‘Key comptenecs for active involvement in learning communities’ events (2017).
The 2017 closing EAAL event was linked to the 21st Adult Education Colloquium; more >>
1. Promoting Adult Skills – Second round (PASS) events (2017):
Coordinator, venue and date |
Title/target group/programme | Results |
Jesenice AEC Jesenice, 22 May 2017 |
‘Involvement of volunteers in working with migrants’ ‘Vključevanje prostovoljcev v delo s priseljenci’ Target group: migrants Programme >> (SI) |
EN: EPALE blog Power Point |
Črnomelj AEC Črnomelj, 25 May 2017 |
‘Youth on their path to entrepreneurship’ ‘Mladi na poti podjetnosti’ Target group: young adults Programme >> (SI) |
EN: EPALE blog Power Point |
Škofja Loka AEC Žiri, 6 June 2017 |
‘The development of the competences of adults in rural areas – opportunities and challenges’ ‘Razvoj kompetenc odraslih na podeželju – priložnosti in izzivi’ Target group: rural population Programme >> (SI) |
EN: EPALE blog Power Point |
Ajdovščina AEC Ajdovščina, 8 June 2017 |
‘The development of knowledge and skills of human resources in economy’ ‘Razvoj znanj in kompetenc kadrov v gospodarstvu’ Target group: employed adults Programme >> (SI) |
EN: EPALE blog Power Point
AEC – Adult Education Centre
(SI) – in Slovenian langauge; (EN) – in English language
2. ‘Key comptenecs for active involvement in learning communities’ events (2017):
Coordinator, venue and date |
Title/target group/programme | Results |
Maribor AEC Maribor, 14 June 2017 |
‘Opportunities for strengthening competences of young adults during their transition from school to employment’ ‘Priložnosti krepitve kompetenc mladih na prehodu med šolo in zaposlitvijo Target group: young adults Programme >> (SI) |
EN: EPALE blog Power Point |
Velenje AEC Velenje, 26 June 2017 |
‘Basic skills and competences of the employed – messages from employers to policy-makers and professionals’ ‘Temeljne kompetence zaposlenih – sporočilo delodajalcev politiki in stroki’ Target group: employed adults Programme >> (SI) |
EN: EPALE blog Power Point |
MOCIS AEC Slovenj Gradec, 29 June 2017 |
‘Challenges of involving older adults into learning, work and society’ ‘Izzivi vključevanja starejših odraslih v učenje, delo in družbo’ Target group: older adults Programme >> (SI) |
EN: EPALE blog Power Point |
AEC – Adult Education Centre
(SI) – in Slovenian langauge; (EN) – in English language
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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