2021 EAAL Forums on the future of adult education

Inspired by the Future of Learning Forum (FoLF), organized by the European Commission in January 2019, and with the aim to support the coherence and effectiveness of key socio-economic policies, six national EAAL forums on FoFL topics, i.e. digitalisation of society, demographic challenges (ageing populations and migration), inclusion and citizenship, environmental challenges, and technological change and the future of work, are envisaged.

The future of adult learning and lifelong learning with regard to each challenge was explored at these forums, all carried out in 2021:


Inclusion and citizenship (15 December; in Slovenian with interpretation into English) in cooperation with the Slovenian Adult Education Association

Manifest: Vključenost in državljanstvo

Ageing population and inter-generational cooperation (30 November; in Slovenian with English subtitles) – website in preparation

Manifest: Starajoča se družba in medgeneracijsko povezovanje

Future of work and skills (25 November; in Slovenian with interpretation into English)

Manifest: Prihodnost dela in spretnosti

Green transformation of society (12 October; in Slovenian with interpretation into English) in cooperation with the SLOGA Platform

Manifest: Zelena preobrazba družbe

Digital transformation of society (17 June; in Slovenian with interpretation into English) in cooperation with CMEPIUS (EPALE National Support Service).

Manifest: Digitalna preobrazba družbe
Forum EAAL: Future of work and skills
EAAL Forum: Forum on learning and education for an inclusive multi-cultural society (in Slovenian)
EAAL Forum: Ageing population and inter-generational cooperation
EAAL Forum: Digital transformation of society
EAAL Forum: Inclusion and citizenship
EAAL Forum: Green transformation of society




With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:

Co-funded by European Union

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

and the support of:

