Promoting adult skills and other competences
Rural population
Škofja Loka AEC, rural population, 6 June 2017: The development of the competences of adults in rural areas – opportunities and challenges – key findings:
- There is an abundance of education providers in rural areas – from governmental institutions, adult education centres, NGOs to private organisations – we should get to know each other, collaborate and complement each other;
- We should adapt the location and time of our programmes to fit the rural population;
- We should encourage learning in the rural population;
- We should encourage the rural population to connect, learn and develop their creativity.
- To facilitate rural development, we should combine the potentials and interests of the rural population with the potentials of the rural area and the interests of the broader society in the area for the common good.
The event is described in more detail in the EPALE blog.
KTRC Radeče, rural population, 26 May 2016: Let’s renew Slovenian forests on Magolnik – key findings:
- Nature is our greatest teacher. It always offers numerous solutions and therefore we should listen carefully to it.
- The forest offers many working possibilities, which require specific knowledge and skills.
- For successful and sustainable forest management it is necessary to better connect theory with practice, theoretical
schoolwork with fieldwork education. Such professional events are in demand and highly needed. - In order to achieve sustainable development we should adjust our desires for profit to nature‘s actual possibilities.
- We all need to attend educational workshops, which in the future ensure smart decisions about nature interventions.
The event is described in more detail in the EPALE blog.
Vlogs – statements
Ker se velikokrat zgodi, sploh na manjših kmetijah, da mladi ne vidijo več perspektive. Pač gredo v mesto v šolo, kasneje v službo, in ko vidijo, da v službi delaš 40 ur na mesec (teden), oziroma te sodobne službe tudi več, in zaslužiš tistega »jurja, jurja pa pol«, in lahko spodobno živiš. Čez vikende si fraj, da bi pa ostal na manjši kmetiji, dal neko dodano vrednost, magari s turizmom se ukvarjal, to pa pomeni biti 24 ur na razpolago.
Programe, ki jih bomo izvajali za podeželsko prebivalstvo, približati tako krajevno kot časovno na podeželju. Da se moramo tudi ponudniki izobraževanja, ki nas je kar nekaj v Sloveniji med seboj povezati, sodelovati in pa dopolnjevati.
Jaz trenutno sem kmetica, sem kuharica, sem gospodinja, sem vrtnarka, sem sadjarka, sem pekinja, sem sobarica, sem receptorica, sem prevajalka, ker je veliko tujcev pri nas, in dejansko dobiti nekoga, ki pride tebi pomagat in da vse to obvlada, ga praktično ni.
Meni je ogromno pomenilo, da Petrova starša dajeta nesebično svoje znanje nama s Petrom in naju učita vsak dan. Ker dejansko, kot kakršen koli drug poklic, tudi poklic kmeta je zahteven, je drugačen, je treba zvedet stvari, se jih naučit, jih osvojit, da lahko v resnici začneš delat.
Vedno težje je sledit tem smernicam, nama s Petrom je mogoče malo lažje, ker sva izobražena, nekemu kmetu petdesetletnemu z osnovno šolo je pa to praktično nemogoče. Iz tega vidika, so pa ti grozno ranljiva skupina. Sploh si ne predstavljam kako zmorejo vse, kar je potrebno.
More information about EAAL PAS events
Coordinator, venue and date
Title/target group/programme
Škofja Loka AEC
6 June 2017
‘The development of the competences of adults in rural areas – opportunities and challenges’
‘Razvoj kompetenc odraslih na podeželju – priložnosti in izzivi’
Target group: rural population
Programme >> (SI)
KTRC Radeče
26. maj 2016
‘Obnovimo slovenske gozdove po vetrolomu na Magolniku’
Ciljna skupina: podeželsko prebivalstvo
Program >>
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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