Promoting adult skills and other competences
Young adults
Maribor AECS, young adults, 14 June 2017: Opportunities for strengthening competences of young adults during their transition from school to employment – key findings:
- A more in-depth cooperation and sharing of information between different organisations, professionals, etc. are essential;
- Based on the PIAAC survey results, an active practical application of skills increases competencies: the level of skills and frequency of application of written practices by young people are mutually encouraging;
- Critically aware young people are able to assess a social situation, which is the basis for active engagement in the society;
- Young people have a lot of informal knowledge for which they should develop awareness that it can be applied to new situations;
- The stereotypes about professions and their relation to a certain gender should be broken as early as in primary schools;
- Active participation of young people in designing youth projects brings greater engagement of the young and thus enables them to expand their competencies.
- It is important for young people to remain active even if they do not gain employment immediately after graduation. The fact is that they have opportunities and support available in the local environment, including those free of charge. Through networking and sharing of information we can encourage greater involvement of the young in activities that allow them to informally acquire knowledge as well as improve their social and civic competencies, including competencies of self-initiative and entrepreneurship. This serves as the foundation for them to ensure a more decent future and not be excluded from the social network.
The event is described in more detail in the EPALE blog.
Črnomelj AEC, young adults, 25 May 2017: Youth on their path to entrepreneurship – key findings:
- Schools provide good theoretical knowledge, however there is a lack of practical knowledge;
- Youth organisations are a valuable source for acquiring core competencies;
- Association of all stakeholders in the production and processing of flax/hemp is a business and development opportunity for the Bela krajina region;
- We are bringing up an innovative generation with a lack of self-initiative;
- Harmonious regional development is but a theory.
The event is described in more detail in the EPALE blog.
Kranj AEC, young unemployed, 24 May 2016: Knowledge and competences hand in hand for better employability of the young – key findings:
- Practical workshops connect young unemployed people with employers and on one hand offer employers the opportunity to test potential employees and on the other hand enables young people to see the employees’ entrepreneurial way of thinking.
- Cooperation of companies and educational institutions enables successful and permanent programmes.
International projects are opportunities for the development of new professions. - Young people need to:
- be motivated to recognize their competences,
- young people need to be more involved in local communities and their social competences need to be strengthened,
- to develop their financial capability during primary years schooling
- Be encouraged to take part in informal education
- Raise awareness of the advantages of vocational and technical education.
The event is described in more detail in the EPALE blog.
Slovenska Bistrica AEC, young adults, 20 May 2016: With the young for the young – on participation, employment and policies – key findings:
- Young adults need to be encouraged to become members of various clubs and societies. They should get engaged as volunteers, so that they can build their social networks and – even in case of unemployment – do not become marginalized.
- Young adults should have opportunities to take over responsible, important functions in social life in the local community, societies for the young, clubs etc.
- Their participation in lifelong learning should be encouraged for them to become aware of the importance and dimensions of learning.
- Their basic needs for life and work have to be fulfilled.
- Active citizenship should become the synonym for positive changes in society.
- The young need to become aware of opportunities for social participation and they should be proactive.
- Solving their housing problems is crucial because in addition to education and employment these is the basis for their empowerment. For this purpose, various innovative approaches and projects are needed.
The event is described in more detail in the EPALE blog.
Vlogs – statements
Od rojstva živim s cerebralno paralizo vendar kljub temu živim polno življenje in imam cilje. Lani sem uspešno diplomirala na Fakulteti za upravo in naredila strokovni izpit iz upravnega postopka. Če se ti kdaj slabo zgodi nikoli ne obupat, zmeraj so kakšne priložnosti, možnosti, ne smeš biti črnogled, vedno moraš gledat vse pozitivno in ne glede na omejitve dosegat svoje cilje.
Mladi so tisti del družbe, ki prinaša potencial, ki prinaša novo energijo, so tisto, kar se bo dogajalo v prihodnosti. In izjemno pomembno je, da se pravočasno, aktivno, angažirano vključijo v družbo in začnejo prispevat k njenem razvoju in napredku. In kadar se pojavljajo kakšni zadržki za to, se nam je zdelo pomembno in potrebno, da na to opozorimo.
Če to zdaj posplošiva na kompetence, veščine, spretnosti v vsakdanjem življenju, ne smemo sami po sebi predvidevati, da so dobri v IKT-ju, da so dobri z novimi tehnologijami. Morda se jih samo manj bojijo, kot se jih mi malo starejši, ker so z njimi rasli, ker jih bolj poznajo. To pa še ne pomeni, da je njihovo znanje poglobljeno, da je to znanje takšno, da je lahko uporabno v delavnem procesu, in dostikrat ugotavljamo, da so morda tudi te nove tehnologije pripomogle k temu, da jim manjka samozavesti, manjka jim veščin komunikacije na vseh različnih področjih.
Ko si mlad je tvoj cel svet, se ti zdi, da ga boš tudi spremenil, če bo treba, in to jutri in kar takoj. In tako tudi mladi pričakujejo, da se bo družba odzvala na njihove potrebe. To so mladi, ki so rasli v družbi obilja, in vsaj velika večina njih imeli vse na razpolago, vse jim je bilo dovoljeno, vse jim je bilo dano, in pričakujejo, da bo tudi v nadaljevanju življenja tako. Se pa bojim, da so to utopične sanje in da slej ko prej bo treba priti tudi z mladimi na realna tla.
Predvsem zavedanje, da ranljiva ciljna skupina ni človek z nalepko na čelu, ampak, da je to človek, kot sva jaz in ti, da je to oseba, ki je lahko ranljiva zaradi neke slučajne situacije v kateri se ja znašla, morda je lahko ranljiva zaradi neke situacije v kateri je že celo življenje, pa bo najbrž tam tudi ostala, pravzaprav imamo pred sabo človeka z vso njegovo širino, z vsemi njegovimi vlogami, ki jih v življenju igra, da, zelo verjetno, to dejstvo, da je ranljiv ga determinira na večini teh njegovi delovnih, poklicnih, osebnih in družinskih področjih, in ga je kot takega, kot večplastno osebo, tudi jemat.
Vse prevečkrat se dogaja, da mladi niso poučeni, informirani o svojih delavskih pravicah in zdaj, ko je čas prekarnih zaposlitev je to kar ključna informacija za mlade.
Tudi sama pri iskanju novih kadrov pri novih zaposlitvah iščem le tisto, ni dovolj samo izobrazba, tista diploma, zanima me predvsem ta drugi del referenc, se pravi: človek je aktiven, bil je vključen v različne organizacije, ima tisto kompetenco samoiniciativnosti, kar pomeni, da tudi potem, ko se vključi v delavno okolje, da bo znal poiskat delo, da bo inovativen, da bo podjeten, da se bo razvijal sam kot posameznik in tudi v nekem delavnem okolju.
Mladi najbolj potrebujejo zavedanje samih sebe, da se umestijo kje so, kdo so in da postavijo svoje cilje v smislu kam gredo. Če bi morala našteti temeljne zmožnosti, bi mogoče izpostavila predvsem komunikacijo, ki je pri mladih zelo skrčena na elektronsko komunikacijo, in bi jim ta medosebna komunikacija zelo koristila. Mogoče še medkulturne kompetence, spretnosti, sposobnosti reševanja problemov in izzivov, ker jih bodo morali nenehno reševati in se soočati z novimi izzivi in spremembami.
More information about EAAL PAS events
Coordinator, venue and date
Title/target group/programme
Andragoški zavod Maribor – Ljudska univerza
14. junij 2017
‘Priložnosti krepitve kompetenc mladih na prehodu med šolo in zaposlitvijo’
Ciljna skupina: mladi
Program >>
ZIK Črnomelj
25. maj 2017
‘Mladi na poti podjetnosti’
Ciljna skupina: mladi
Program >>
Ljudska univerza Kranj
24. maj 2016
‘Znanja in kompetence z roko v roki za boljšo zaposljivost mladih’
Ciljna skupina: mladi brezposelni
Program >>
Ljudska univerza Slovenska Bistrica
Slovenska Bistrica
20. maj 2016
‘Z mladimi za mlade o participaciji, zaposlovanju in politikah’
Ciljna skupina: mladi
Program >>
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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