Adult education should be holistic!

Adult education should be holistic!

European consultation on the importance of Bildung in adult education Bildung and education are terms we usually encounter in connection with children and youth. Is it possible that they also apply to adults? The participants in the recent consultation believe that...
Ten EAAL videos 2017–2019

Ten EAAL videos 2017–2019

The collection of ten video publications is but one of the many deliverables of the EAAL project in the 2017–2019 period in Slovenia. The general objective of the national EAAL project is to generate recognition of the programme messages and promote the inclusion of...
Awareness-raising and dissemination

Awareness-raising and dissemination

The corporate image of the UP Recommendation has been established and used in the UP e-portal and related materials to raise the profile of this initiatives. Dissemination has been carried out via existing and upgraded media (EAAL project’s website and e-bulletin,...
International cooperation

International cooperation

In this project period we presented the EAAL project to foreign visitors of the SIAE and took part in international events related to EAAL. Traditionally, some EAAL activities, mainly the consultation meetings and study visits, were closely linked to the Slovenian...