On learning communities

On learning communities

The SIAE (has been implementing the European Agenda on Adult Learning (EAAL, 2011; new EAAL, 2021) in Slovenia since 2012. Our efforts have been documented in a video presented at the Slovenian EU Presidency Conference in 2021. The so-called EAAL project is comprised...
European Year of Skills

European Year of Skills

You may have already come across the phrase European Year of Skills 2023. It became relevant last September when the President of the EC, Ursula von der Leyen, called for increased, more effective and inclusive investments in training and upskilling in her 2022 State...
EAAL project is in full swing

EAAL project is in full swing

Does the title Implementation of the European AgendaforAdult Learningappeal to you? Probably not, because it sounds dry. However, it is only a longer name for a process that has been running vigorously in Slovenia (and other EU member states) for more than ten years....