Dec 12, 2022 | E-bulletin, Events
Does the title Implementation of the European AgendaforAdult Learningappeal to you? Probably not, because it sounds dry. However, it is only a longer name for a process that has been running vigorously in Slovenia (and other EU member states) for more than ten years....
Sep 30, 2022 | Blog, E-bulletin
In 2021, we addressed the current socio-economic trends in the project entitled Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Slovenia (EAAL project). Together with international, national and local partners, we organised the so-called EAAL forums. We...
Sep 17, 2022 | Activities, E-bulletin
Over the years, activities for awareness-raising of the importance of ALE have resulted in many good relationships with national and international like-minded people and occasional project partners. In March this year, we renewed contacts with three of them, learned a...
May 17, 2022 | Activities, E-bulletin
Over the years, activities for awareness-raising of the importance of ALE have resulted in many good relationships with national and international like-minded people and occasional project partners. In March this year, we renewed contacts with three of them, learned a...
Feb 17, 2022 | E-bulletin, General
When in 2016 the European Commission issued its Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults, it envisioned two reports on its implementation. The first one – Implementation Report on Upskilling Pathways (February 2019) was prepared after only...
Dec 23, 2021 | Activities, E-bulletin
The last, fourth opportunity to exchange expertise and examples from practice (PLA) in the EAAL project took place on 21 and 22 September – flexibly, online. This time it was co-created by EAAL national coordinators from the following countries: Belgium (Flanders),...