Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) in Slovenia
The National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Slovenia project (the so called EAAL project) is intended for the popularisation of EAAL’s key messages and educational policy measures at EU and national level. Above all, it is intended for awareness raising on the importance and omnipresence of adult education and lifelong learning as well as on opportunities available for the adult population. In November 2021, the new European Agenda for Adult Learning (NEAAL) was adopted thus providing grounds for our further activities in the EAAL project.
Project activities support also the implementation of other EU documents such as the Recommendation on Upskilling Pathways (UP) – New opportunities for adults (December 2016). Since 2017, results of this work are available in the UP e-portal.
The project addresses all target groups, e.g. representatives of policy, practice and profession, learners, media representatives and the widest public. Special attention is being paid to the low skilled and educationally deprived ones. Project activities are related to existing national endeavours in the field of awareness raising on the importance of adult learning (i.e. the Slovenian Lifelong Learning Weeks (LLW)), and other topical issues and adult learning theory and practice. The national policy strategy in Slovenia is embodied in the Adult Education Master Plan (AEMP; current edition 2021–2030) and in respective Annual Adult Education Plans. For this purpose, EAAL activities have been planned and implemented at all levels – policy, profession and practice – with special focus on low-skilled adults and other educationally disadvantaged target groups.
In the current, seventh project period 2024–2025, activities are organized in four clusters: (1) Implementation of priorities on increasing adult participation in learning and addressing the needs of the green and digital transition, (2) Support relevant actors joining forces for common actions for adult learning, in line with the objectives of the EU initiatives ‘Pact for Skills’ and national skills strategies, (3) Supporting learning at the workplace and innovative learning environments for developing skills, and (4) Dissemination Strategy and activities at EU level.
Project outcomes 2022–2023:
- 2022–2023 EAAL Forums (websites in Slovenian):
- upgraded adult learning platform Kam po znanje (Where to get knowledge)
- upgraded Upskilling Pathways e-portal
- web-based ICT support and materials:
- Consultations with the National Coordinating Body,
- International exchange and other forms of dissemination, e.g. via EPALE.
Project outcomes 2020–2021:
- 2021 EAAL Forums and respective manifestos:
- video 10 years of EAAL implementation in Slovenia
- renewed adult learning platform Kam po znanje (Where to get knowledge)
- updated Upskilling Pathways e-portal,
- web-based ICT support and materials:
- Consultations with the National Coordinating Body,
- International exchange and other forms of dissemination, e.g. via EPALE.
Project outcomes 2017–2019:
- Three EAAL consultation meetings per year and two annual conferences (with links to respective events websites in Slovenian language):
- Upskilling Pathways e-portal,
- MM report upgraded with video spots and audio recordings,
- Web-based ICT support and materials:
- Consultations with the National Coordinating Body,
- International exchange and other forms of dissemination, e.g. via EPALE.
Project outcomes 2015–2017:
- National Coordinating Body
- Upgraded Adult Learning Awareness Raising Strategy and action plans
- EAAL events 2016
- 2016 Closing EAAL event (and annual EBSN conference)
- Study visit to Ireland
- EAAL events 2017
- 2017 Closing EAAL event and 21st Adult Education Colloquium
- Web-based ICT support and materials
Second EAAL Forum 2025: Skills for the Future – Confrontations for Synergy
The discussion on skills for the future focused on the interplay of technical, soft, and adaptability skills, driven by rapid changes in the labor market and technological progress. We also addressed the question of how to preserve and strengthen the human essence while acting sustainably. Through expert confrontations, the EAAL Forum highlighted the importance of lifelong learning and synergy between different fields. The event concluded by emphasizing intuition as one of the key skills of the future. February 26 at SIAE and online. More (in Slovenian) >>
First EAAL Forum 2024: Skills for All
Skills are crucial – for the individual and community, from a life-long and life-wide perspective. This is the imperative of our time! ‘How do we forecast changes and needs, how do we assess which skills are there and which are lacking, which measures offer support?’ And how to raise awareness of the fact that lifelong learning is the right path because, without doubt, it derives power and joy! All this and more was discussed in the forum on 16 April in the House of the EU and on-line. More (in Slovenian) >>
The European Year of Skills (EYS) was launched by the President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen. In her State of the Union 2022 speech, she called for better investment in education and training as well as other measures. The EYS (9 May 2023-8 May 2024) is nearing its end, but activities are still very dynamic and call for a continuation of the momentum given to skills in the EU and nationwide. More: https://epuo.acs.si/en/eys.
14th EAAL Forum, 4th in 2023: Financial and consumer skills for life
We discussed with some exemplary advocates for and developers of financial and consumer skills. The event took place online on 16 November. More >>
Thirteenth EAAL Forum, the third in 2023: Personal (emotional) and interpersonal skills for life
The overall condition and resilience of the individual determines the firmness and agility of communities – including family, smaller communities up to society at large. How to acquire, retain, upgrade these skills? Our discussion with five interesting guests took place on 4 October. More >> (in Slovenian)
Twelfth EAAL Forum, the second in 2023: Media skills for life
Media literacy is a broad concept. It regards the use of various communication channels and platforms as well as the creation and analysis of media contents. It is intertwined with other skills. On 19 September our interesting guests spoke on how to manage this complexity. More >> (in Slovenian)
Eleventh EAAL Forum, the first in 2023: Citizenship skills for life
Citizenship has many ‘faces’, it is relevant at many levels, it can be implemented in various ways … Above all, it is indispensible. At the forum that took place on 12 September via Zoom, our guests from various walks of life spoke of the many layers of civic skills. More >> (in Slovenian)
European Years of Skills: Opening event for Slovenia
The EYS opening event for Slovenia will take place as the 27th Adult Education Colloquium, the key professional gathering under the umbrella of the Lifelong Learning Weeks 2023 (TVU/LLW). National and other stakeholders will present their work and ideas for celebrating the EYS. More (in Slovenian) >>
Ajdovščina Adult Education Centre – The Driving Force of a Learning Community
The video was shown for the first time at the meeting of EAAL national coordinators and the PLA on learning communities and innovative learning spaces in Leuven, Belgium, on 14 and 15 March 2023. More >>
10 years of the EAAL project
The video below was presented at the European Adult Learning and Education Conference under the Slovenian Presidency on 8 September 2021.
Tenth EAAL Forum, the fourth in 2022: Skills for cultural awareness and expression
Culture and learning are a splendid lifelong couple. Their successful bonding and intertwining enriches our lives and our perception of the world. It establishes bridges between generations and civilisations. In this EAAL forum, we experienced concrete opportunities for cultural expression, actions and cooperation. The forum took place on 6 December via Zoom. More >> (in Slovenian)
Ninth EAAL forum, the third in 2022: Digital skills for life
Following the 2021 EAAL Forum on digital transformation of society and its Manifesto on the digital transformation of society, we discussed the necessity of acquiring digital skills and provided insights into why and how. The event took place on 22 November via Zoom. More >> (in Slovenian)
Eight EAAL forum, the second in 2022: Skills for healthy life
A holistic perception of health and the lifelong process of acquiring skills for high-quality life at all levels were the main topics of this event. Experienced and engaged individuals shared their viewpoints and results of their learning and work processes. They also encouraged participants to assume responsibility for their healthy lifestyle. The forum took place on 15 November via Zoom. More >> (in Slovenian)
Seventh EAAL forum, the first in 2022, and EPALE online discussion: Green skills for life and learning communities
Following the 2021 EAAL Forum on the green transformation of society and its Manifesto on the green transformation of society, we discussed the necessity of and opportunities for acquiring green skills for co-creating and preserving sound and sustainable environments. The event took place on 18 October via Zoom. More >> (in Slovenian)
The second part of the event, i.e. the EPALE online discussion was the Slovenian national side event of the EPALE Community Conference 2022 – Imagine.
Sixth EAAL forum 2021: on inclusion and active citizenship
The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) in cooperation with the Andragogical Society of Slovenia (ADS) organized a forum on challenges of the inclusion of people with special needs in adult education and lifelong learning. In addition, active citizenship as well as civic education from a global and European perspective was discussed. The event took place on 15 December via Zoom. More >>
The new European Agenda for Adult Learning (NEAAL) has been approved
The Council of ministers (Education, Youth, Culture and Sport) at its meeting on 29-30 November 2021 approved the Resolution of the NEAAL 2021–2030. Thereby formal grounds for the implementation of this new strategy in the field of adult education have been set. The draft Resolution was prepared by a working group at the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Among its members were also representatives of the SIAE. The Resolution on NEAAL (2021/C 504/02) was published in the Official Gazette of the EU on 14 December 2021.
Fourth EAAL forum 2021: on the future of work and skills
SIAE in cooperation with interesting speakers, among them Dr Miha Mazzini, organized the fourth virtual EAAL forum. We talked about the impact of digitalization and other forms of technological progress on our lives and especially – work. As a result, each of us must develop new skills, as well as strengthen permanently relevant and valuable skills. The event took place on 25 November via Zoom. More >>
Third EAAL 2021 forum: on green transformation of society (12 October)
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) and the SLOGA Platform organized a virtual forum on environmental challenges. The development of sustainability depends on lifelong learning therefore several aspects of societal and green transformation with regard to adult learning and education were taken under consideration. The forum took place on 12 October via internet. More >>
The second EAAL 2021 forum: on Digital transformation of society (17 June 2021)
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE) and CMEPIUS (National Agency for European Community Programmes and International Mobility Programmes) organized the second virtual Forum followed by the first national EPALE on-line discussion on various aspects of digital and social transformation with regard to adult education and lifelong learning, including ethics in science and technology (17 June 2021 via Zoom).
More >>
First EAAL 2021 forum: on learning and education for an inclusive multi-cultural society
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), the SLOGA Platform and the Slovenian Philanthropy.are organizing the virtual Forum on learning and education for an inclusive multi-cultural society (20 January 2021 via Zoom).
More >>
PLA on ‘Reaching out to specific groups: what tools, partners, finances?’, 15 and 16 September 2020:
The event hosted by the SIAE, the national coordinator of the implementation of the EAAL in Slovenia, took place via ZOOM due to COVID-19 safety measures. Presentations of approaches and examples of good practice by EAAL national coordinators from six countries: Bulgaria, Iceland, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, and Slovenia were shared. The PLA was linked to the traditional Adult Education Colloquium under the umbrella of the Slovenian Lifelong Learning Weeks 2020. About 80 participants from 30 European countries attended the two-day event.
See programme >>
See presentations >>
For the Continuation and Development of EAAL:
EAEA is striving for a continuation and overhaul of the EAAL.
See article.
The EAAL project 2017–2019 has yielded rich outcomes:
we submitted its final report.
See article.
The implementation of EAAL is running its fifth lap:
on results of the previous phase and plans for the present one
See blog in EPALE (in Slovenian)
More on Closing EAAL 2019 conference
The Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), as National Coordinator of the EAAL project, and CMEPIUS in the role of National Support Service of EPALE Slovenia, joined forces for the organisation of the closing EAAL and regional EPALE conference in Slovenia. This is a manifestation of the synergy of both processes in the field of adult education triggered by the European Commission and being implemented in the region. Regional EPALE conferences are opportunities for EPALE National Support Services (NPSs) in South-Eastern Europe to exchange their experiences and ideas. The red thread of this year’s conference was the implementation of the Council Recommendation Upskilling Pathways – new opportunities for adults in partner countries.
Materials related to the conference are published here. More on the conference is posted in the form of EPALE blogs (for now in Slovenian language): the first one dedicated mostly to the EAAL project and the second more to EPALE aspects.
With the support of the Erasmus+ Programme:
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
and the support of:
